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The Importance of Loving-Kindness

By September 11, 2020February 12th, 2021No Comments

Meditative drawing is part of Miller’s journaling/grounding practice.

May I be filled with loving-kindness
May I be well
May I be peaceful and at ease
May I be happy

I have found myself relying heavily on this meditation as we are navigating these times. It can be far too easy to get caught up in the darkness, especially when we realize our own contributions to the systems that are holding us back from collective growth.

My own journey has been profoundly affected by remembering these words.

As someone who spent far too long in a self-sacrificing mindset I’ve had to learn the power of cultivating individual strength. Acknowledgement of my own privilege took the form of working too hard, giving up too much, and not owning my worth.

I would like to say there was one profound shift that turned into a catalyst for growth, but like most things, it has been a practice. Slowly shifting my internal narrative to recognize where I was coming up short. To sit with my actions and internal conversations and find where I was not in alignment with my personal values. How negative self-talk and an aversion to self-love left me in a place where I was not caring for myself.

Jack Kornfield says it well: “You begin with yourself because without loving yourself it is almost impossible to love others.”

Moving from a narrative that was detrimental into one that is supported by loving-kindness, I’ve been able to shift into practices and work that are in alignment with my values. I’ve found it easier to break through sadness on cloudy days, and move from focusing on self to showing the same loving-kindness to others.

I pass on this message of loving-kindness as a reminder. This is a practice that allows us to be strong in our work, our presence of mind, and support ourselves while supporting community.


Rae Miller, Associate Consultant and Facilitator for Prospera Partners