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Graphic with image of woman writing on a white board, pens, notepads on a table and a woman looking left. Text that says: We work with leaders who want to create real change, within themselves, their organizations and businesses and their workTwice in my professional life I have been asked if I was the real deal. The first time was over lunch with a theatrical colleague who I pitched a social justice theater project to, back in my theater directing and producing days. “You’re the real deal, aren’t you?” I think he was referring to my 20-something-year-old, no bullshit approach to wanting to create a visceral and thought-provoking social justice performance.  

The second time was in my late 30s when I was doing local economy ecosystem building work and a colleague in economic development asked, “Are you the real deal?” Maybe she thought my big vision for a food system in our state was too far-fetched or I was a scheming scammer. I don’t really know. I answered, “Yes, I’m the real deal.” Period, the end. What else was there to explain?

Those two comments have always stuck with me. When I started my consulting business 12 years ago, I was determined to embed my values of social responsibility throughout everything – the kinds of clients I worked with, the way I worked, the projects I took on because I knew I was the real deal. I’ve grown this business to bring in partners and colleagues who center the same values and goals, as well.

Prospera Partners IS the real deal. I see so-called “consultants” and would-be “coaches” out there grifting for clients, selling the idea that they will help you “grow your business from $x to $xxxx in just 30 days, for the low price of $x.” Or, they are going to coach you into spiritual enlightenment through 10 sessions at $100 a piece. They jump on the latest sales bandwagon, capitalize on your insecurities, and tell you how they will make you successful in business or life. The reality is that no one can make you successful – you need to do the work yourself. And, we know how to work with you to make this happen.

But, we don’t do grift. We don’t even have a sales funnel. I don’t even know what a sales funnel is, tbh, and, I don’t care. We work with leaders who want to create real change, within themselves, their organizations and businesses, and their work. We have always, and will continue to, center social impact in our work as consultants and facilitators and with our clients, because we’re the real deal and we want to work with others who are also the real deal.

Here’s what we have in store for 2024:

  More one-on-one leadership support for social impact.  We’re offering coaching – strike that – we’re offering real deal one-on-one support for leaders. Business owners, nonprofit leaders, social entrepreneurs, we’re here for your leadership journey no matter how difficult, challenging or successful. We are ready to work with you and have tested and effective tools, supports, and resources to share.

 More community-centered strategic planning.  We have developed frameworks to truly engage community members in meaningful long-term planning. Old models of strategic planning are not working, instead they keep organization leaders and staff feeling stuck and board members frustrated. Don’t make decisions for your community behind closed doors around the boardroom table. Let’s support your community – the reason you exist – through thoughtful, provocative, fun, engaging facilitated planning sessions where all voices are heard and respected in the process.

  More community-centered evaluations.  We love putting community first, obviously, so let’s ask them how programs have helped and supported them. We facilitate community conversations that provide opportunities for real input. We get to the heart of your impact with insightful surveys, facilitated conversations and input, reports, and findings. You need to report back to grant makers, might as well make it more interesting than data points.

  More business planning. Small business owners and social entrepreneurs, you’ve had a hell of a few years. The ups, downs, and all-arounds are common and not going anywhere. We can help smooth out your ride with some strategies for starting, growing or de-scaling your business. Yes, de-scaling is a thing. If cutting back or closing shop scares you, talk to us. Been there, done that. I’ve been a small social impact business owner for 12 years now, serving dozens of businesses over the years. Let me and my team share our experiences – and resources – with you.

  More communities of practice. Being in community with your like-minded peers is a powerful thing once you’ve experienced it. We facilitate communities of practice for diverse sectors (think: food systems change-makers; social entrepreneurs; eco-system builders; nonprofit leaders; grantee cohorts) and co-create an experience for shared-learning, best practices sharing, and personal and professional leadership development. We can create a community of practice within your organization, for foundations, for sector eco-system builders. In fact, we’ve been participants in communities of practice ourselves, we love them so much! 

  More community engagement. It is possible to turn to your community for more than just strategic planning and evaluation. We can help devise strategies for better outreach and engagement with your community or those you wish to serve. It’s not just about marketing and outreach. It’s about relationship building and trust. Trust us to help make community engagement thoughtful, well-planned, and actionable.

We’re the real deal. Are you? Is our organization? Is your business? If you’re the real deal, we’re here for you.