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The BIG Blog

The Social Entrepreneur’s Journey in a Pandemic

By May 7, 2020February 12th, 2021No Comments

Riding out this Covid19 pandemic is a lot like the social entrepreneur’s journey. Here’s some of what’s been in my head, and in the conversations I’ve had with clients and colleagues.  Can you relate?

Everyone needs me! How can I help? I need to do something so I’ll change my entire business model. I’ll drop everything and help. Oh, wait . . .

I can do this. I’ve been working at home for years. This is fine. Everything is fine. More Zoom meetings? Sure.

I should revamp my marketing message. I keep getting these messages about “this and that in the time of Corona.” Maybe I should be more authentic in my marketing message.  I should just make a meme.

Nobody knows anything and everything is a mess.  Just read this: Nobody Knows What’s Going On. Keep going.

Wow. Somehow my business is actually ok.  ???? I must be doing something wrong, right?

My clients are ok. I’m ok. Nothing has changed. Wait. Nothing has changed?

I should apply for disaster relief. Who knows how long this will go on. I should make some plans, right?

I need a new business plan. Mark Cuban keeps coming up in articles about restarting my business in a crisis. He’s probably right. I should restart or redo my entire business plan.

My business is here to the change world, though! I shouldn’t go anywhere. I should double down my efforts. The world needs me. I’m a social entrepreneur.  I’m perfectly suited for this, and my business is already doing all these things people are Facebooking about. How cool am I?

This shit is hard. Like, really, really hard. Anyone else feeling that? Is it ok if I take a break right now? Who would know? I can lay down right now.

Hey, anyone wanna Zoom? I’m feeling disconnected. Let’s connect!

On second thought, I’m too tired to Zoom. BUT, I can turn that idea into a business service. Bingo! I’m awake now and I’ll be up til 4am, but that’s ok.

Rinse. Repeat. Take a nap. Start your day. Over and over again.  We’re going to be ok but there’s no going back to what was. Or, as my friend LeeAnn calls it, the Before Times. There is no new normal. It is all emergent and we must be patient with ourselves so see what emerges. We’ll move forward, so will your business. We’ll pivot in ways that make sense for our communities and ourselves.

Be strong and get some rest, Social Entrepreneurs.