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Why BIG Circles? A Q & A with Christen Collins

By March 14, 2021June 15th, 2021No Comments

Christen Collins

We asked Christen Collins, former BIG workshop participant and future BIG co-facilitator, about what she thought about her “BIG” experience and why she thinks others should take the plunge, too.

Where have you felt supported in the structure of the session with Prospera Partners compared to other programs you have participated in?
I have felt supported in a number of different ways by the structure of our sessions with Prospera Partners and continue to feel that support daily. It’s wonderful knowing that I can reach out to any member of our group for guidance and encouragement. They have made me feel comfortable to be myself and offer a way to grow. The sessions have provided an opportunity to share personal experiences and feelings in a safe space while contributing useful information about social impact that has enriched my life.

What learnings have stuck with you as you are continuing your social impact journey?
This program has taught me so many wonderful things about myself and others that will stay with me forever. Something that really resonates with me is that embracing vulnerability can be a beautiful and powerful tool in social practice. Along with how to stay true to your commitment to mindfulness and how to be gentle with yourself through the process.

Why do you feel it’s important to have these types of community conversations?
It’s important to have these community conversations in order to offer different perspectives and create a better understanding of the world around us. Fostering this dialogue adds to the personal and shared development of each individual and the community as a whole. It’s a way to stay connected and committed to the work in a comfortable way that brings positive resolutions and unity.

Anything else you would like to share with potential participants?
This program has been one of the most influential experiences of my life and has brought me a great deal of peace in my mind and heart!

Collins will be co-facilitating the BIG Fostering Resilience through Community Conversations workshop with Prospera Partner’s Rae Miller. Colins is a Cincinnati, OH based artist that is on the pursuit of social practice through self-expression and art making. She is a student of life with a bachelor’s degree in fine arts from the Art Academy of Cincinnati and is currently an Instructor in their Community Education Department where she is always collaborating on new and engaging projects that can be shared and explored in a variety of different ways. With the intention to bring more creativity to the people, she writes an art blog for Everything Cincy and loves to cultivate artist experiences for others. Her main focus is stepping more into her role as an artist, in an effort to help influence positive change and growth.