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This Is the End, My Friend

By December 17, 2012February 12th, 2021No Comments

Or is it?  Ok. I don’t really believe the world will end on 12-21-12 (Caveat: I visited the Mayan ruins in 2010 and got the inside scoop from my tour guide about the forthcoming “chaos in the sky” so I’m sort of a believer) but if the recent events of our lifetime are any indication (mass shootings, superstorms, the hottest year on record, climate change – whaaat?) then I think we better at least sit up and pay attention and think about what’s next.  And in thinking about what’s next, I think it’s important to “start where you are” and reflect on the past, or at least the past year.

In this year of 2012 I learned a lot and shared a lot.  My biggest learning was how deeply connected I felt to social entrepreneurs for the first time.  Coming from the nonprofit world of work for nearly 20 years, I realized that in my heart and soul (DNA?) I am an entrepreneur, one who believes that making a better world for all is possible.   And doable.  And if that makes me a Socialist Localist, I’ll take it and add as many “ists” to my title as necessary to make it happen.

Some things I’ve learned:

–       You must tell your story.  Why are you passionate about this thing you so badly want to do as a business idea? Tell it, sing it. Be loud and proud.

–       Read everything you can.  Even stuff you never thought you’d like to read.  You never know what you don’t know and might just learn.

–       Be open. To everything. Accept that your business plan will change and you might drop an idea that was hot a month ago or add an idea that makes sense now.

–       Find your deepest niche.  Go here, to my friend Tad’s website for great tips on niche marketing.

–       Learn to say no. You are valuable and so is your time and effort.  My most favorite re-read ever: No, you can’t pick my brain.

If the world is going to be a better place and you are going to be a part of it, where will you begin? Are you a localist?  Are you a social entrepreneur ready to take on the task of doing better for the world or in your own backyard? Are you ready for the end and to begin again? This song has been stuck in my head for days because I think we do really have to Reboot the Mission.  Enjoy, and happy end of the world as we know it!