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“Disrupting the Path” was a conversation toward developing a statewide vision for New Mexico’s social sector to become equitable, rooted in justice, and have a larger impact for communities

“What will it take to change New Mexico’s social sector to be more equitable, rooted in justice, and have a larger impact for communities?” 

This is a question we have heard asked countless times. Whether it be on an individual, organizational, or even sector level, many have been wrestling with ways to make change over the years. Yet, here we are and not much has changed. 

Through our work with nonprofits, philanthropy, government agencies, and businesses, we can clearly see a strong desire from individuals and organizations to transform and shift ideas, practices, policies, and culture to better serve the increased needs of New Mexico communities, including better meeting the needs of employees and volunteers of those serving those communities. There are so many opportunities for positive change: revised grantmaking processes, policy changes with organizations, more inclusive advocacy and policy making at the local and state level that centers community voices, shared leadership, and practicing new ways of being rooted in anti-oppression. 

The lack of a shared vision for what New Mexico’s social sector can be is a foundational reason for why more has not changed in New Mexico’s social sector. Without a shared vision, we cannot collectively head in the same direction. And, without this shared vision, too many words have been thrown around the last few years without true commitments to taking action.

It’s why we invited those in the sector to participate in the first statewide conversation towards developing a statewide vision for New Mexico’s social sector to become equitable, rooted in justice, and have a larger impact for communities. But wait, hadn’t this conversation happened before? Not like this! While talks have happened on a small scale, with select groups of people sharing their thoughts and ideas, the conversations we hosted were for everyone. Too frequently, these have consisted of people in positions of power speaking for others. We believe that if we want to realize something different, we need to do something different. 

Rather than just talk about inclusivity, we believe in practicing inclusivity, and that starts with hosting a conversation where 
  • Everyone is invited
  • Everyone is supported to share their ideas, dreams, and visions

Any staff, volunteer, and/or board member of a New Mexico nonprofit and/or philanthropic organization was welcome to join. We also welcomed those with governmental agencies and businesses that work in New Mexico’s social sector.

These sessions weren’t just for figure heads and spokespeople. We welcomed people of all backgrounds and experiences knowing everyone has something to offer to this conversation. Those who don’t usually get to attend conversations like these were especially encouraged to attend.

Those who attended were:
  • Nonprofit staff members
  • Nonprofit volunteers
  • Nonprofit board members
  • Governmental agency or business employees that works in New Mexico’s social sector

Four sessions were held virtually, on Zoom, so that more people could take part.

These virtual meetings were engaging and interactive, ensuring everyone stayed involved and the sessions remained dynamic. There were no boring Powerpoints, slide decks, or lectures that put everyone to sleep – these sessions were about sharing one’s voice!

Participants signed up for one of the following:
  • Wednesday, December 4: 8–9:30 am MST
  • Friday, December 6: 11:30 am–1 pm MST
  • Wednesday, December 11: 6–7:30 pm MST
  • Thursday, December 12 : 3:30–5 pm MST

After these sessions, a survey (available in English and Spanish) asking about reimagining the social sector of NM was sent to all registrants. Later the same survey was shared with the wider community, as well, in order to gather more input for this discussion.

We heard you when you say you are burnt out, frustrated, and tired of power holders not wanting to disrupt the status quo. And, well, nothing changes if nothing changes.

Since 2012 we have worked with dozens of nonprofit clients across New Mexico, facilitating over 300 participants in our nonprofit leadership workshops and programs and we’ve listened to countless tales of burn out, frustration, and weariness about power holders not wanting to disrupt the status quo. Because we have five decades of combined experience in the sector, (having served as executive directors, board members, consultants, and more) we have a unique understanding of the frustrations and opportunities in this field, as well.

Prospera Partners’ commitments to all of you in developing this shared vision for New Mexico’s social sector are:
  • Our belief that we are stronger together: At Prospera Partners, we believe in the power of working together. Everyone has different lived and work experiences and varied ways of thinking, and when we slow down and provide space to listen and learn from one another, we all grow.
  • Transparency: Information gathered is only as useful as it is made available. Part of hosting this conversation is finding ways to build upon the conversations that have already occurred at smaller scales. We have compiled information we feel is relevant to this on a resource page (and feel free to send us other reports and notes by emailing us at We strive to be transparent throughout the whole process – from inviting you into the conversation, to ensuring all input is recorded, to sharing out the session feedback to the public, and making the information accessible to anyone interested.
  • Inclusivity: We believe that this conversation needs to be open to everyone who is part of the social sector, including people who work at all levels of nonprofits and in philanthropic organizations. We intend to eliminate barriers that have typically existed for these kinds of conversations by hosting these conversations at different times of the day, including during and after work hours, and by providing a virtual space for gathering.
  • Action over words: We live in a time where people love to say a lot of things, yet words are just words. We believe in following up on words with intentional actions and living our values. These conversations will not only be designed and facilitated to support developing a shared vision for New Mexico to have a social sector be more equitable, rooted in justice, and have a larger impact for communities, but we will be practicing and supporting new ways of being in the conversation. Too frequently, people rely only on words around equity, inclusion, and liberation, but we believe in practicing, doing, and being these things in real time. Change begins in the conversations themselves and in the ways we practice doing things differently.

To encourage transparency and easy access to information, we’ll be sharing the results of the Disrupting the Path conversations here.

Amazing graphic illustrations by Taslim Van Hattum
We’ve used various tools and techniques to capture and share the conversations, including:
  • Jotboards
  • Graphic Documentation
  • Surveys
  • Reports

We’ll be adding information to this page as it becomes available.

For now, you can download the Disrupting the Path Jotboards to read more of what we heard at the four sessions.

Prospera Partners is a social-good consulting and facilitation firm that designs, facilitates and  evaluates Communities of Practice, systems change, and strategic program and business planning to help nonprofit organizations, social enterprises, and government entities rethink their approach and transform their work for the greater good.

Everything we do at Prospera Partners is motivated by leaving the world a more just and compassionate place than we found it. A lofty goal? Maybe. An unreachable goal? Absolutely not.Through our work to transform frustrating, out of date models, grow leaders, and bring people together, we believe that by making incremental shifts we can and will change systems for the better. Why do we believe this? We’ve seen it happen through our work.

As catalysts for change working with organizations, businesses, and entrepreneurs, we know positive shifts don’t happen overnight, but they do happen with accountability, oversight, commitment, and the kind of real conversations we facilitate. They happen by valuing the contributions of each to the whole and through cultivating authenticity, humility, and trust in our relationships with clients.

We are in this for the long haul because we value community: our own and all of those we serve.

We believe in taking risks – both within our own organization and with our clients. We came together as a team because individually we value the reward that risk can often bring. Real change isn’t possible otherwise.

Because of that, part of our work is saying the quiet parts out loud – being honest about what is or isn’t working with a business or nonprofit approach, and then creating thoughtful awareness and space for real change to take place, for both the short-term and the long haul.

While our team has years of experience and expertise, we keep ourselves in check with an openness to lifelong learning and constant feedback. We hold ourselves and our clients accountable. Even what we are saying here will be assessed, reassessed, and edited as we go.

We believe that real change that moves us all toward a more informed, socially responsible, and equitable future is possible.


These free and open conversations were generously supported by Mind the Gap Fund, a donor advised fund committed to systems change and equity in the nonprofit sector

The following event partners also helped to make this event happen:

Eliza Kretzmann Consulting

Interested in joining us to rethink systems and push the needle toward real, positive change in the social sector in NM? Email us!

Other Useful Links:


Wondering about the work that has already been done in this space in New Mexico? 

Visit this link to learn more

BIG – Bold Impact for Good Workshops and Events

Centered on transformational leadership, systems change, equity, inclusion and justice, our “BIG” workshops have been created to provide meaningful professional development and social-change strategies for those doing social good. BIG – Bold Impact for Good is a fiscally sponsored program of the nonprofit Community Ventures.

Join An Upcoming BIG Event