EENM’s leadership knew it was at a crossroads as an organization – leading the field of environmental education and balancing the needs of students. Executive Director, Eileen Everett wanted “the opportunity to take a big step back and map out the interconnectedness of environmental education within a larger system, and crafting a space for the community to come together to explore these systems and discuss points of influence that will drive our work over the next few years. I am interested in using this as a platform for a different kind of approach to strategic planning for our organization.”
Together with Eileen and her program director, we designed community convenings using a framework of equity and inclusion, where community members could provide input and feedback. Using World Café and other innovative facilitated conversations asking provocative questions, community members conversed about the issues and future of environmental education, and the economic impact for New Mexico. Data from each convening was collected to inform the next convening, building on the conversation and input. All of this information will help create an actionable strategic plan and set a new course for the organization.
EENM is now forging ahead with a policy and advocacy agenda to strengthen education standards, and is focusing on how to better support leadership in the sector with programming that puts students first.